Electromagnetic parameters are measured using the method of free space in this paper. The reflectivity of honeycomb structure absorbing materials is calculated and simulated, and it is verified based on the measured results. So, it is demonstrated that this test method is feasible. Through the ...
This work reports on a study regarding the plasmonic properties of a honeycomb-like structure that is formed by silver and gold nanoparticles. A honeycomb structure is proposed, and its plasmonic characteristics under the irradiation of a plane-wave light are numerically calculated, with several param...
得到 与实际结构件 相差甚远 两者的主要差别是实际结构件要求夹层结构非 对称铺层 面板薄 固化压力低等 ;(2) 蜂窝芯与面板间是 否采用胶膜 ?(3) 上 ~ 下面板是否可以非对称设计 ? 非对称 设计时夹层结构的性能有何变化 ?(4) 蜂 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~...
method of lightweight honeycomb structure was studied,and the compression load-displacement curves were analyzed.The results show that area of the compression samples should be in a suitable range which was useful for getting the stable compression properties testing results of honeycomb structure. Accor...
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Lu, Y., Zhou, D., Wang, T. et al. Topological Properties of Atomic Lead Film with Honeycomb Structure. Sci Rep 6, 21723 (2016). https://...
In plane compressive response and crushing of foam filled aluminum honeycombs In this paper, the influence of foam filling of aluminum honeycomb core on its in-plane crushing properties is investigated. An aluminum honeycomb core and... Hozhabr,Mozafari,Habibollah,... - 《Journal of Composite Ma...
According to different load displacement, load position, and load velocity, the mechanical behavior of honeycomb structure can be divided into elastic and plastic responses, static/quasi-static and dynamic (low, medium, and high-speed) responses, in-plane (longitudinal and transverse) and out-of-...
Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties of two honeycomb-layered bimetallic assemblies, K2[NiII(cyclam)]3[FeII(CN)6]2 · 12H2O and [NiII(cycl... Two bimetallic assemblies, K2[NiII(cyclam)]3[FeII(CN)6]2· 12H2O (1) and [Ni<... Zhen,Shen,Jing-Lin,... - 《Transitio...
Honeycomb sandwich panel has been widely used in aerospace and aeronautic engineering as load-bearing components. Cost-effective shielding structure can also be built based on honeycomb sandwich panel. The shielding properties of honeycomb sandwich panel subjected to high-velocity impact is of great conc...
Tuning the indirect–direct band gap transition of SiC, GeC and SnC monolayer in a graphene-like honeycomb structure by strain engineering: a quasiparticle... We have calculated the electronic properties of graphene and SiC, GeC and SnC monolayers in a two-dimensional graphene-like honeycomb struct...