We are all familiar with the characteristic change in the pitch of the sound of the siren of an emergency vehicle as it passes. This phenomenon is called the Doppler effect. We can explain the effect using the relationship between wave velocity and frequency given by equation (3.5). We ...
Learn in details about Waves along with Types of Waves, Properties of Waves & Application of Waves and other related concepts by visiting BYJU'S
The lower St Lawrence Estuary is an interesting case amongst estuaries in that it is wide enough to accommodate the development of mesoscale unstable waves and eddies. These features are generated by the runoffdriven jet along this body''s south shore. We present data yielding estimates of the ...
In this chapter we start with the basic properties of frequency analysis of the time series to interpret the frequency spectra of ocean surface waves. In general, the resulting shape of the frequency spectrum depends on the external wave generation conditions (wind speed, wind fetch and duration,...
These results indicate that coronal bright fronts are best interpreted as fast-mode magnetoacoustic waves propagating in an inhomogeneous medium.Long, David Mdoi:10.48550/arXiv.1202.4360David M. LongPhysicsLong, D., 2012, Kinematic Properties of Globally-Propagating Waves in the Solar Corona, thesis...
Vibrationsandwaves:thesourceofallwavesissomethingthatisvibrating.Wavesarepropagationsofvibrationsthroughoutspace.VIBRATIONOFAPENDULUM Whatdoestheperiod(T)dependupon?Lengthofthependulum(l).Accelerationduetogravity(g).Perioddoesnotdependuponthebobmassortheamplitudeoftheswing.T2lg Vibration...
Microwaves attract all the attention when it comes to making our lives simpler in terms of cooking food. This article covers the properties of the microwave and also its production. We will also be discussing the difference between radio waves and microwaves. If you encounter any doubts while re...
First, compared to existing studies (Babirath et al., 2021; Ezeaku and Asongu, 2020; Ji et al., 2020; Salisu et al., 2020), our longer data span covers almost all existing waves of evolving COVID-19, and provides more insights about safe-haven properties of soft commodities for both...
In differ- ence to the Fresnel coefficients that utilizes the total electric and magnetic fields of the waves, only the tangential components are used here to calculate the reflection and transmission coefficient and further the reflectance and transmittance for all incidence angles and both ...
Chiral crystals are materials with a lattice structure that has a well-defined handedness due to the lack of inversion, mirror or other roto-inversion symmetries. Although it has been shown that the presence of crystalline symmetries can protect topologi