3-Storey Bungalow (NSW)Available for SALE/RENT! 7 beds + 6 baths + 3 car spaces + swimming pool. Land area: 5,241 sq.ft. Built up area: 5,475 sq.ft.Read More 12345 Featured Properties 3-Storey Bungalow – New South Wales. Available for SALE/RENT! Open for Bumi now! Freehold.....
Most dendrimers have a uniform structure, with a single type of terminal function. However, it is often desirable to have at least two different functional groups. This review will discuss the case of bifunctional phosphorus-containing dendrimers, and the consequences for their properties. Besides ...
The contact angle of the sample Standard sample (SAC), sample compounded with fumed silica powTdhere(cFoSnCt)acatnadncgalreboonf tnhaensoatmubpelse(SCtAanCd) awrderesammepalseur(SedAuCs)i,nsgamATpOleTcoaumtopmouanteddeidnswtriuthmfeunmt. eTdhesilica pvoowludmere (oFfSCdr)oapnledt cuasrebd...
In this paper, the stainless steel coatings with different Mo contents were laser cladded on the surface of 45 steel, and the microstructure, hardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance of the coatings were studied. The obtained results could provide theoretical guidance for the industrial ...
Except for the singularity at 4 mg/cm2, the addition of the magnetic field results in a welded joint with better hardness than the no-field condition. The addition of the magnetic field affects the state of motion of the liquid molten pool. The convective action makes the molten pool ...
Indeed, Fe33++ ppoollyyssaacccchhaarriiddee hhyyddrrooggeellss commpprriissiinngg vvaarriieedd ssttrreennggtthhss aanndd eellaassttiicc pprrooppeerrttiieess hhaavvee bbeeeenn rreeppoorrtteedd aass ppootteennttiiaall ssttrruuccttuurreess ttoo bbee uusseeddiinn aapppplliiccaattiioon...
Chitosan (CS) is a natural polymer that is produced from chitin by deacetylation with an alkali. Properties such as its biocompatibility, non-toxicity, and thermal stability up to 200 ◦C make CS potential polymer for the preparation of polymer electrolytes [6,7]. The presence of an amino ...