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Find an apartment, condo, office space, house, and lot for sale or for rent in top locations. Certified #1 property finder in Zimbabwe.
PROPERTIES OF (PARINARI CURATELLIFOLIA) (HACHA OR CHAKATA) FRUITS FROM DIFFERENT PARTS OF HARARE, ZIMBABWEfoodfruitParinari curatellifoliapulpIn most African countries, people in rural areas collect edible wild fruits that include (Parinari curatellifolia) for direct consumption or processing into ...
The firm’s other developments include Pokugara Residential Estate, The Mall of Zimbabwe, and Millennium Heights Office Park. All the developments are located in Harare. Sharpe also said the company’s focus would be on developing properties in Harare, stating that they did not want to overcomm...
Property type:AnyFor SaleRentedSoldTo Rent Price: ($).0 ($).500,000 Address State: AnyHarareMashonaland West City: Any Address: Postcode:or5 Kilometers10 Kilometers20 Kilometers50 Kilometers100 Kilometers200 Kilometers SearchAdvanced search...