The impact of rental values on real estate commercial properties in Port HarcourtNwaogu Chika StanleyCharles O EsiovwaChristopher O Esiovwa
Modified Dental Anxiety Scale and its Psychometric Properties in an Adult Population in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NigeriaOmoigberai Bashiru BraimohAyamma Udo Umanah
of three major avenue tree species (Delonix regia, Gmelina arborea and Terminalia mantaly) and the concentrations of pollutants under and outside their canopies at four locations reflecting different levels of anthropogenic activities that contribute to pollution, in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria...
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An Assessment of the Microbiological Quality and Physical Properties of Indoor Atmosphere in Port HarcourtChuku AleruchiWorld Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) - University of Port Harcourt
I know a politician that has palatial residential properties in Kaduna, Lagos, Jos, Abuja, Yola, Enugu, Port Harcourt and there is no borehole waterPrince Charles Dickson
Aims: The impact of air pollution on biochemical properties and air pollution tolerance indices of ten plants growing at Trans-Amadi Industrial Lay-out and along East-West Road, Port Harcourt alongside Umuokiri-Aluu as control site were studied.Study Design: The leaves of the plants were ...
EFFECT OF SOIL AMMENDMENT WITH ORGANIC WASTES ON SOIL PROPERTIES IN PORT HARCOURT AND ENVIRONS, NIGERIAOrganic wastesSoilIncubationDumpsiteBiodegradableTopsoil samples (0-15cm) from parts of Port Harceurt were incubated for 56 days by treating the soil samples with inorganic fertiliser and organic ...