age, and flexibility, 90 degrees might be the lowest you’re able to go. Personally, I like to go down until my chest (not my face), hits the floor. That way, I know I’m going the same distance
Various federations record bench press records. However, the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) is one of the most popular. They drug test and restrict supportive equipment. However, equipped competitors can wear a single-ply polyester shirt or suit and use knee and wrist wraps. They limit...
Should you wear abeltorknee wraps? The former helps to stabilize the spine by increasing intra-abdominal pressure and the latter is just a way of elevating more weight. Especially if you are getting started with the squat, go without either. Use your abdomen as the brace instead of outside ...
Emphasize Your Quads: Wear weightlifting shoes or stand with your heels on small change plates so you can For Muscle Hypertrophy: Try one-and-a-half reps, doing the bottom portion of the range of motion twice before standing up all the way. Train Power: Try jumping goblet squats; as ...