Personal protective equipment in health care: can online infection control courses transfer knowledge and improve proper selection and use? Am J Infect Control 2008;36:e33-7.Hon C, Gamage B, LoChang J, Bryce E, Yassi A, Maultsaid D, Yu S: Personal protective equipment in healthcare: Can ...
The “PPE Soup” recipe begins with preparing the “cook” or sterile processing personnel for cleaning and disinfecting instruments.Ingredients include hospital laundered scrubs, bouffant caps, liquid-resistant covering with sleeves (eg, a backless protective gown, jumpsuit, or surgical gown), liquid-...
DNA (10 μg) was digested with the appropriate restriction enzymes, subjected to electrophoresis through 0.8% agarose gels, and blotted onto Hybond N + membranes (GE Healthcare Life Science) using standard procedures. Radio-labeled probes were prepared using a random priming kit (TAKARA). Souther...
Norovirus and avian influenza outbreaks require infection preventionists to enhance hygiene, train staff, implement PPE use, and ensure effective disinfection to protect health care workers, patients, and facilities. Evaluating Automated Dispensing Systems for Disinfectants in Hospitals Tori Whitacre M...
PPENIOSH-certified N95 filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) are used in healthcare settings as a control measure to mitigate exposures to airborne infectious particles. When the outer surface of an FFR becomes contaminated, it presents a contact transmission risk to the wearer. The Centers for ...