Use a slow, smooth takeaway to set up the proper tempo for the entire swing. On the practice range, experiment with starting your swing much more slowly than you normally do and see if that improves your overall tempo. Complete your backswing. An indicator of a hurried swing tempo is not ...
How Much Should I Open The Club Face In A Bunker Video - Lesson 2 by PGA Pro Pete Styles How Can I Improve My Golf Short Game Touch? Video - by Natalie Adams What is the Correct Golf Swing Weight Shift Takeaway and Downswing for Senior Golfers Video - by Dean...
Your forward tilt causes your hands to move upward as you turn your shoulders. This is called a one-piece takeaway and it puts your hands and arms on the correct plane. Allow your right elbow to bend as you continue your backswing. You should be able to keep your left arm reasonably st...