It might be interesting to investigate into Mono itself, whether Mono itself requires a strict naming convention of the *.so file. If this is the case then it may be interesting to file a bugreport in to inform the package maintainer of libgdiplus or Mono to co...
C# Merge 2 txt files to get New text file c# method error CS1056 C# method return a list<string> C# Monthcalendar and easter C# Moving a picturebox c# moving an image c# named pipe client connect timeout C# Naming Conventions - Id or ID C# namspace.Properties.Settings C# newbie - c...
├── LICENSE ├── Makefile <- Makefile with commands like `make data` or `make train` ├── <- The top-level README for developers using this project. ├── data │ ├── external <- Data from third party sources. │ ├── interim <- Intermediate data that has...