Comments posted to this topic are about the item Function returns String in Proper Case [CamelCase] Cheers,HariTips & Tricks for SQL BI Developersfrecal Ten Centuries Points: 1094 More actions April 14, 2009 at 9:21 pm #977819 Unlike (4) Hello, do you have an example which looks at...
In modern Turkish, the apostrophe is used to separate proper names from inflectional endings ( İzmir’de ‘in İzmir’). This is not the case with inflected common nouns ( şehirde ‘in the city’). In this respect, the apostrophe constitutes an i
Case insensitive Replace cast from double to decimal Cast Interface to class Cast to Enum issue when value is null Casting an Int16 varible to Int in C# produces a runtime "Specified cast is not valid" exception casting from object to System.Reflection.PropertyInfo Casting to nullable generic...