Homeowners also need to ensure their attic insulation isn’t blocking the flow of air. Check that the insulation is pulled back, away from the vents, or ask your roofer to install attic ventilation baffles to prevent the insulation from creeping over the edge of the soffit. (Source: Professio...
The operation of a fireplace and a furnace isn't identical, but it's similar enough for this analogy to be instructive. Unlike in a fireplace, combustion in a furnace occurs inside a closed chamber. The gases produced during combustion exhaust through a flue, or chimney, creating a convection...
30 2010 ROSS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT: Making Good Ventilation Decisions Insulation Requirements The value of insulation in saving heating fuel costs is widely recognised in moderate and cold climates. Houses with attic space above a ceiling should have at least U = 0.053 W/(m2K) (R-19) ...