If you do use a 20 pound (BBQ) tank, it is recommended to keep that tank outdoors. You might snake the hose through a window. Stuff a towel in the crack (to keep cold air from getting in) as you close the window on the hose. [ Read:How To Tell How Full (or Empty) Your Pro...
When ‘full’ the bottom of the tank contains liquid propane and the top 20% of the tank contains propane in the gaseous state. Gas can be compressed. Liquid cannot. If you bypass this safety feature and fill the tank 100% and leave it out in the sun, heat will make the liquid ...
We asked that they forward us copies of their records relating to the tank installs so we could compare them with ours, but, they refused to forward them. As a result we have held back several of their invoices until there is a resolution. We have been cautioned by the law firm ...
(1), side walls of the channel (2), obstacle (3), flame front (4), spark electrodes (5), inlet nozzle (6), mixture supply hose (7), ignition coil (8), flame extinguisher (9), valve (10), gas volume meter (11), two-tank displacement gas meter (12), high-speed video or ...