2. 液态丙烷 航海及海运专业英语词汇(L3) ... liquid propane gas tanker 液化丙烷船liquid propane gas液态丙烷liquid propane 液态丙烷 ... www.diyifanwen.com|基于14个网页 3. 液态丙烷气 液化石油气(Liquefied Petroleum Gas);液态丙烷气(Liquid Propane Gas)评论| xldx |十五级采纳率39% 擅长:外语学习 ...
natural gas is widely used in applications for vehicles and residential fuel supply. Also, while propane is stored as a liquid, natural gas can be stored as liquefied natural gas (LNG), compressed natural gas (CNG) and in its uncompressed form, which is just referred to as "natural gas"....
Liquid propane-butane gas engine wherein the gas is heated by the heat of enviromentTEMESI BELA
and the nitriding atmosphere is ammonia and propane gas or other gas or liquid which can generate nitrogen atoms and carbon atoms. 渗氮氛围为氨气和丙烷气或是其它可以产生氮原子和碳原子的气体或液体。 ip.com 5. An improvised car-bomb, made from propane gas canisters and fireworks, failed to det...
gas liquid separator 气液分离器 liquid gas transfer compressor 液化气输送压缩机 相似单词 liquid n.[C,U] 液体 a. 1.液体的,液态的 2.【财务】易变为现金的 3.清澈的,明亮的,晶莹的 4.清脆的,清纯的,流畅的 GAS =Ghana Academy of Sciences加纳科学院 gas n. 1.[U,C]气,气体 2.[U]煤...
LPG的意思 LPG 英文缩写LPG 英文全称Liquid Propane Gas 中文解释液态丙烷 缩写分类化学化工 缩写简介LPG其他解释 液化石油气LPG 学习应用类查询 新华字典 汉语词典 成语大全 诗词大全 英文缩写 英语单词 在线翻译 英文名 科技名词 五笔字根表 笔画数 偏旁部首 汉字拼音 区位码 郑码查询 仓颉编码 四角号码 中文电码 ...
词条 liquid propane gas 专业释义 <海运>液化石油气液化丙烷液化石油气体 <外贸>液化丙烷气 <海事>液态丙烷 <医学>液态丙烷气 大家的讨论 包装相关词汇(中英对照) 术语表:actual tare实际皮重,真实皮重actual weight真实重量apparently in good order & condition表面状况良好average tare平均皮重bags torn袋子撕破bale...
Propane (also called LPG—liquefied petroleum gas—or LP gas) is a widely used fuel. It's transported and stored in a cool, liquid form that can cause a "freeze burn" or frostbite if it comes into contact with the skin. The liquid propane is turned into a gas inside a tank or a ...
1) propane gas 丙烷气体 1. Thepropane gasfills in the cavity die to drive away air in the cavity die before pouring liquid. 浇注前通入丙烷气体占据整个型腔空间,赶走空气,使氧气压力降到极点,浇注后继续通入气体,盖上钢罩,彻底隔绝外界空气的侵入并减小罩内压力,从而达到根治陶瓷精铸钢件表面脱碳现象的...
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Fuel System:液化石油气(LPG)燃油系统 热度: 使液态丙烷汽化的方法和用于该方法的汽化器 热度: 中国液态丙烷烧烤机行业市场占有率及投资前景预测分析报告 热度: LiquidPropaneGas(LPG)FeeAbatement Chartfor2010Tabs Thingstokeepinmindwhenusingthischart... ...