Propane Gas Piping - Capacity vs. Size Sponsored Links The tables and diagrams below can be used to size propane gas pipe lines with pressures above 5 psig (35 kPa). For full table - rotate the screen! Propane Gas Piping - Capacities Pressure (psig) Load Calculator! Capacity of 100 ft...
energy content in propane gas 2500 Btu/cu ft One MBH is equivalent to 1000 BTU's per hour 1 CFH ≈ 2.54 MBH copper tubing type K Copper Tubing - type L Propane Gas - Low Pressure Capacities in Copper Tubes - type L Capacity of Pipe (MBH) Nominal Pipe Size (O.D) (in)Pipe Length...
Anderson & Forrester, original equipment manufacturing of natural gas and propane products, such as: orifices, gauging drills, valves, and so much more
The output specific heat is given as kJ/(kmol*K), kJ/(kg*K), kWh/(kg*K), kcal/(kg*K), Btu(IT)/(mol*°R) and Btu(IT)/(lbm *°R) Temperature Choose the actual unit of temperature: °C °F K °R Load Calculator! Load Calculator! . See also other properties of pro...
Online calculator, figures and tables showing thermal conductivity of liquid and gaseous propane at varying temperarure and pressure, SI and Imperial units. Propane - Thermal Diffusivity vs. Temperature and Pressure Figures and tables showing thermal diffusivity of liquid and gaseous propane at varying...