The eponymous trait of Backward-Volume waves is their negative group velocity at low wave numbers, meaning that the envelope of a wave-packet and the wave crests travel in opposite direction. All wave numbers above a certain threshold wave number have positive group velocity and a wave number ...
With a large area of marshes and rice fields, the Guadalquivir Valley has an eco-system that encourages the propagation of mosquitoes. FromBBC But someone in L.A. could have felt the “S” wave, in which bedrock oscillates perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of the wave, accor...
Because the DHO model has the spectral correspondence of a collective mode, whereas the direct physical meaning of maximum spectral intensity might be ambiguous, we focus on the ω0 positions in the following. In any case, we note that the two differently extracted peak energies both fall into...
The analysis is restricted to the one-dimensional case, where some of the consequences of anelasticity become evident. Although phase and energy velocities are the same, the group velocity loses its physical meaning. The concept of centrovelocity for non-harmonic waves is discussed. The uncertainty...
Wave Propagation in the Viscoelastic Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shell Based on the First-Order Shear Deformation Theory waves in viscoelastic orthotropic cylindrical shells, which analytically solves the wave equation and explains the intrinsic meaning of the wave propagation. In... Y Zhou,D Liu,D...
They are on-the-air oriented and show an excellent accuracy if you know the limitations of algorithms as well as the meaning of each parameter, specially setting the SSN, the reliability or the S/N ratio where a wrong data can false all your forecast, and for example predict a poor ...
22.2.3 Wave propagation The core of the presented microwave imaging technique is based on the analysis of microwaves sent toward and reflected back from a layered medium (Feng et al., 2002). It is well known that when a plane EM wave is launched from an illuminating device (typically an ...
The basic procedure of BPM is formulated over the small distance to relate the transmitted field to the initial field. BPM wave propagation analysis is similar to light propagation in a linear medium and the influence of the nonlinear optical effect can be separated in the pulse propagation ...
Guided by the kinetic theory of gases they formulated many-moment theories. These theories have proved their validity and relevance for quickly changing processes and processes with steep gradients, in particular for light scattering, sound dispersion, shock wave structure and radiation thermodynamics. ...