This chapter describes the propagation of radio waves. Radio waves are electromagnetic. They contain both electric and magnetic fields at right angles to each other and also at right angles to the direction of propagation. An alternating current flowing in a conductor produces an alternating magnetic...
Another Example of a HAM Shack Good Antennas Make DX (Long Distance) Radio Communications Much Easier PROPAGATION - INTRO Lesson 7 From: Emergency Management Ontario Propagation: how radio waves get from point A to point B. The events occurring in the transmission path between two ...
Propagation of Radiowaves, 2nd Edition The field of radio communications continues to change rapidly and the second edition of this outstanding book, based on a popular IEE Vacation School, has been fully updated to reflect the latest developments. The introduction of new ser... L Barklay 被引...
This book is concerned with the ionosphere and the magnetosphere, and the theory of their effect on radio waves. It includes accounts of some mathematical topics now widely used in this study, particularly W. K. B. approximations, Airy integral functions and integration by steepest descents. The...
The main purpose of the investigations was to examine the field-strengths obtained in varying weather conditions with one end of the propagation path at a height of 40,000 ft. above the earth (the other end being at a height of 90 ft.) and to compare them with the field-strengths ...
Considering the use to which the transmission of radio waves is put, it is remarkable how few have studied the problem. Engineers are interested in the terminal apparatus—the great transmitting and receiving stations; and physicists seem to be more interested in sending radio waves to themselves ...
On the basis of a numerically constructed electromagnetic-wave ray trajectories, the basic characteristics of propagation of high-frequency (1–10-GHz) radio waves in the presence of a strong local disturbance in the Earth’s ionosphere have been obtained. As an example of such disturbance, a si...
网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 地图 更多 propagation-of-radio-waves 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. The sun sometimes spoils the propagation of radio waves . 太阳有时会影响无线电波的传播。© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
A theory of incoherent scattering of radio waves by a plasma: 4. The effect of unequal ion and electron temperatures The theory is extended to include the effects of unequal ion and electron temperatures and a magnetic field. Two approximate formulas for the total scatter......
DURING July 14–16 the physical Society held its summer meeting at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. on the subject of "The Ionosphere and the Propagation of Radio Waves". The purpose of the conference was to survey research work in progress and particularly to relate the knowledge acquired ...