metamaterial, the sheet material is a super-ordered, so that the sheet-like electromagnetic wave through the plurality of ordered arrangement metamaterial When can spread in the direction set in advance; Example realize the electromagnetic wave propagation direction of the control of the present ...
I have therefore investigated the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a vertical direction in a medium with electric properties varying in the same direction, and subject to the influence of a constant magnetic field H making an angle 螛 with the vertical....
This paper deals with the study of the propagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves in a rectangular waveguide filled with an inhomogeneous semiconductor plasma medium in which electron density varies linearly in a direction perpendicularto the direction of propagation across the waveguide. Analysis ...
Transient wave propagation in a waveguide filled with an inhomogeneous dispersive medium is analyzed. The waveguide is inhomogeneous in the longitudinal direction, but is homogeneously filled in the transverse directions. The analysis is performed in the time domain and is based upon a wave splitting ...
orderradiatedfrequency.Thefrequencyspectrum betweenthesetwofrequenciesaremachlargerthanwhich isintroducedbytheDopplershift.Thefrequencyandthe reflectionangleofthereflectedwavearenolongerequalto thefrequencyandtheincidentangleoftheincidentwave. Thechangedreflectionfrequencyandanglearerelatedto thetrain’svelocity,the...
Half-wavedipoleantenna(orHertzantenna)(半波偶极天线或称赫兹天线)Quarter-waveverticalantenna(orMarconiantenna)(1/4波垂直天线或称马可尼天线)ParabolicReflectiveAntenna(抛物反射天线)半波偶极 ¼波垂直天线 AntennaGain(天线增益)Antennagain Poweroutput,inaparticulardirection,comparedtothatproducedinanydirection...
Electromagnetic waves, such as visible light, have a constant speed of 3.0 × 108 m/s in a vacuum, Sound waves travel at a speed of 343 m/s in dry air at a temperature of 20∘C.Wave Propagation Medium Factors That Affect Wave Propagation Speed Direction of Propagation of Waves Lesson...
The linearly polarized radiation propagates in the presence of a constant magnetic field applied perpendicular to both the electric vector and the direction of propagation. Dispersion of the incident radiation and generation of its harmonics are studied. DOI: 10.1017/S002237781500015X 年份: 2015 ...
The ensemble averages of the electromagnetic fields and the energy flux density are computed. It is found that they propagate with the averaged phase velocity and simultaneously experience damping in the direction of propagation. Our result also shows the well-known effects of the nonlinearities, ...
Equations are derived for the two-point correlation function of intensity or energy in a plane orthogonal to the initial propagation direction of the wave. It is shown that for ‘short’ distances on the O(σ−23) scale the solution agrees with that of weak fluctuation theory. The two-...