2.(Horticulture) (tr)horticultureto produce (plants) by layering, grafting, cuttings, etc 3.(tr) to promulgate; disseminate 4.(General Physics)physicsto move through, cause to move through, or transmit, esp in the form of a wave:to propagate sound. ...
But beans, greens, lettuce, arugula, cilantro, basically everything in the vegetable garden except tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes. Those long season or tuberous things. You start over, you keep going, otherwise you don’t have any veggies in September. So, yeah, there’s a lot of...
Besides these hardwood cuttings, you can also take root cuttings from your tomatoes. I’ve often taken cuttings from my best winter greenhouse tomatoes to get an early start on spring planting. You can take tomato cuttings from spring-planted tomatoes to get plants that will mature for a fall...
which can be used for germinating heat-loving seeds such as tomatoes and peppers, as well as for propagation of heat-loving woody-stemmed plants. The Nanodome is the perfect size to use for maintaining high humidity for your
摘要: The research programme into hardy nursery stock at Kinsealy is designed to stimulate home production of trees and shrubs. An important section of this programme is the vegetative reproduction of a wide range of genera by means of cuttings. During this work the value of sphagnum peat ("pe...