Proofs from Paul Erdős 1. 从2023年5月到2024年5月,指导两个2022级的本科生做REU(Research Experiences for Undergraduates)项目。在明确了她们尚不明确未来是否要从事数学研究的前提下,我放弃了找一个topic给她们做,然后尝试写paper的想法,而是改为念这一本《Proofs from THE BOOK》。这其中的优点和缺点都是...
Proofs from THE BOOK 作者:Martin Aigner/Günter M. Ziegler 出版社:Springer 出版年:2003-11-13 页数:239 定价:USD 49.95 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9783540404606 豆瓣评分 9.8 93人评价 5星 82.8% 4星 9.7% 3星 6.5% 2星 0.0% 1星 1.1% 评价:
Instead this book is dedicated to his memory. ? Paul Erdos We have no de?nition or characterization of what constitutes a proof from The Book: all we offer here is the examples that we have selected, h- ing that our readers will share our enthusiasm about brilliant ideas, clever insights...
ProofsfromTHEBOOK MartinAignerG¨unterM.Ziegler withillustrationsbyKarlH.Hofmann Springer-VerlagHeidelberg/Berlin toappearAugust1998 Preface PaulErd˝os PaulErd˝oslikedtotalkaboutTheBook,inwhichGodmaintainstheperfect proofsformathematicaltheorems,followingthedictumofG.H.Hardythat thereisnopermanentplaceforugl...
Proofs from THE BOOK. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2004.M. Aigner, G. M. Ziegler, Proofs from The Book, 3rd edition, Springer, Berlin, 2004.M. Aigner and G. M. Ziegler, Proofs from THE BOOK , 3rd ed., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004....
Martin Aigner · Günter M. ZieglerProofs from THE BOOK Sixth Edition
虽然缺少一些前置知识 和那令人作呕的奇妙的美丽的翻译腔 但是,每次打开这本书 “无限的库藏里还有若干...
where the per- fect proofs of all theorems are written. “This one is from The Book”, he would intone when see- ing a particularly beautiful argu- ment. And he lived his life on a crusade to re- veal and enjoy as much of The Book as possible. Proofs from THE BOOK is an effort...
Proofs from THE BOOK 下载积分:3000 内容提示: Problem 1: Cover the 7 x 7 board with dominos so that one square is left uncovered. Which squares are possible as “last uncovered square”?Problem 2: Here is a more interesting board. Can you cover it with dominos? If no, why not?Can ...
Proofs from THE BOOK 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 说这是一部艺术著作一点都不为过,因为艺术和科学始终是紧密相联的。但往往是艺术家不太懂科学(除达·芬奇),而很多杰出科学家却很懂艺术,甚至可以说他们就在创造艺术杰作。 这部Proofs from THE BOOK“介绍了35个著名数学问题的极富创造性和独具匠心的证明”。