Proof-of- work (PoW) was the first consensus mechanism created [1], followed by Proof-of-Stake (PoS), Proof-of-Authority (PoA), Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), and others. The weakness of blockchain technology, especially when using the PoW consensus, is that it consumes large...
ReporterRequest = "{\"query\":\"{\\n reporters(first:1000){\\n id\\n active\\n numberOfReports\\n }\\n}\",\"variables\":{}}" BuilderStakeRequest = "{\"query\":\"\\n{globalValue(id: \\\"1\\\") { builderMinimumStake }}\",\"variables\":{}}" ) type PonRegistrySubgrap...
{\\n id\\n active\\n numberOfReports\\n }\\n}\",\"variables\":{}}" + BuilderStakeRequest = "{\"query\":\"\\n{globalValue(id: \\\"1\\\") { builderMinimumStake }}\",\"variables\":{}}" ) type PonRegistrySubgraph struct { diff --git a/redisPackage/redis.go b/redis...