POCProbability of Causation POCPurchase Order Confirmation POCProof of Claim(insurance industry) POCPhilippine Olympic Committee POCPolicy Oversight Committee POCPublic Outreach Committee(various organizations) POCPorts of Call(computer game) POCPiece of Crap ...
Now eligible applicants who are able to provide allthedocuments of proofrequired may have their applications for mortgage insurance approved by the HKMC within one single day. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 就這方 面 , 按 揭證券公司已 向我們 解釋過 , 這些繁複手 續最近已 大大改善, 我稍後會 向...
which is the present valueoffuture after-service health insurance benefits, is shown as an accruedliabilityinthe United Nations audited financial statements. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 由此得到的数额,即未来的离 职后健康保险福利的现值,在联合国已审计财务报表中显示为应计负债。
Once a price is agreed upon we will handle the entire sale for a 10% transaction fee, which includes all costs (eBay fees, grading fees, webmaster charges, postage and registration fees, insurance, paperwork, etc.). If you have a collection for sale or would like to sell your duplicates...
Now eligible applicants who are able to provide allthedocumentsofproofrequired may have their applications for mortgage insurance approved by the HKMC within one single day. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 就這方 面 , 按 揭證券公司已 向我們 解釋過 , 這些繁複手 續最近已 大大改善, 我稍後會 向各位...
provide one-stop-service of export credit insurance, currency exchange and other related financial [...] legco.gov.hk (e) 政府當局應考慮參考部分海外司法管轄區的做法,成立類似的 進出口銀行,以便向出口商提供一站式 的 出口信用 保險 、貨幣 兌換及其他相關的金融和信貸服務。 legco.gov.hk [....
matter on the financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2007 in relation to the deficits in the reserves and fund balances of the two Tribunals, owing to the recognition on the face of the financial statementsof end-of-service liabilities, including after-service health insurance. ...
What’s necessary to file your taxes: Tax form; personal seal; details of income and necessary expenses; (for salaried employees) certificate of income and withholding tax or pay statements;proof of lifeinsurance and personal pension deductions; (for individuals receiving medical deductions) receipts...
the Ordinance to make clear that a person's qualification to practise as a solicitor or his right to be issued a practising certificate should not be prejudiced by his firm's failure to comply with the indemnity rules to be made by the Council of LS in respect of the top up insurance ...