The concept of 投名狀 is unknown in the occident or in folklore. The definition of 投名狀 is 新入夥的強盜,須殺一人並將人頭交給首領,用以表示真誠,稱為「投名狀」。水滸傳˙第十一回:「是教你下山去殺得一個人,將頭獻納,他便無疑心,這個便謂之『投名狀』。」 Thus it may be construed as a "to...
ask your peers for recommendations. The one that’s got me the most work, which is a site for translators where you can put up a profile and, if you pay for membership, that profile will be sent to people looking for freelancers, and they will contact you direct. This has...