While we do not sell Personal Information in exchange for monetary consideration, we do share Personal Information for other benefits that could be deemed a “sale,” as defined by the CCPA. The CCPA broadly defines “sale” in a way that may include actives such as the delivery of targeted...
She was checking theproofsof her latest novel. 她正在审阅她的新小说的校样。 牛津词典 The sea wall was notproofagainst the strength of the waves. 防波堤挡不住海浪的力量。 牛津词典 rainproof/windproof clothing 防雨/ 防风服装 牛津词典 The car has childproof locks on the rear doors. ...
a combining form ofproof, with the meaning “resistant, impervious to” that specified by the initial element:childproof; waterproof. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
provideproof ofthefinancial feasibility of the first phase of the project, foresee a minimalcontributionineconomic, social and educational benefits to an underprivileged social group, presuppose the creation of stable jobs, include a component on the improvement of know-how in the field of cultural ...
Be a part of this story with a walk-on role and see yourself on the big (& little) screen! PLUS we'll give you an IMDb credit and you'll also receive 2 tickets to the LA premiere of the short film (travel & accommodations not included). You'll also enjoy all of the benefits of...
product range and market share, the benefits of which will extend beyond three years; and (iii) it is the intention of the Company to strengthen the Philips Contributed Business andthepresence ofthePhilips Trademarks and the Secondary Trademark in the markets in which the Scope Products are sold...
First of all, children cannot tackle their daily affairs which each child should how to do in his age, instead of study. Because in parents’ views, grade is a proof for each child what they are doing every day. What’s worse, chil 然而,他们的孩子从创伤可以导致严厉后果 [translate] ...
in the fight against racism,provide proofofthe financial feasibility of the first phase of the project, foresee a minimal contribution in economic, social and educational benefits to an underprivileged social group, presuppose the creation of stable jobs, include a component on the improvement[...]...
One example is access to a Canadian passport, ranked as the 7th strongest passport in the world earlier this year by Henley and Partners based on the ability of its holders to access 186 without needing a visa. Click here to learn more about the ben...
Sometimes you may be asked to show proof of your U.S. citizenship, such as when you apply for a job or obtain immigration benefits for a family member. The following official documents can all be used to prove your citizenship, but which one(s) to choose depends on your circumstances and...