P3112020-04-27 American English pronunciation - Check your pronunciation with me and 07:18 P3122020-04-27 Test your listening skills with 3 audio exercises in fast spoken Engl 07:30 P3132020-04-29 Learn to understand fast-spoken American English - Online course + li 01:58 P3142020-04-...
Now, let’s do some pronunciation exercises. Please try to pronounce “k” (drop any vowels because all of them are voiced) and touch your throat simultaneously. You will find that your throat is not vibrating. But when you try to pronounce vowels or ka-line syllables such as “ka” or...
Use this section to quickly develop confidence in your Spanish pronunciation skills. With that confidence, you will progress much more quickly. But remember, for these exercises to be effective you must speak out loud, at normal conversational volume. ...
This feature is available in many exercises during SuperMemo courses. You can use it whenever you see themicrophone iconon the screen. Just click on it and speak your answer aloud to the task, and the text will appear in the text field. This way, youpractice clear pronunciationin a foreign...
TV" (www.apprendre.tv) follows the same model with a large choice of exercises and themes, from international news to music videos to cooking recipes, as well as a module to prepare the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF), an official, internationally-recognizedtestofFrench fornon-native...
My mission is simple: Iturn all the complex pronunciation theory I know into practical exercisesthat take you on a clear path to perfecting your speaking. I HATE vague advice (“listen and repeat, listen and repeat” ), outdated information and lessons that bore you to sleep. ...
What's even better is that each of our pinyin lessons comes with dual-audio Flashcards, downloadable Lecture Notes, and a 10-question Quiz so you can drill the details and make sure they'll really stick using a total of 450 review exercises. Get started on Level 1 of our Beginner Con...
Practical exercises will continuously improvepronunciationandintonation. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com 在语音学模块教学中,您将加深和扩展您已掌握的语音基础能力并针对性的克服发音中的困难。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com ...
网络发音练习 网络释义 1. 发音练习 词类,英语语法练习 ... Proverbs 谚语Pronunciation Exercises发音练习Quantifiers 数量词 ... www.englishmedialab.com|基于5个网页
Language learning apps are a great way to study as they are designed to deliver bite-sized lessons that you can fit into a busy schedule and practice on your phone. You can also set daily reminders to do your language exercises. Many apps have free trial periods, so you can see if thei...