Thank you for the emojis. We hope you enjoyed the lessons. Let us know if you have any questions. Ngai Lam Team 2019-02-19 16:07:58 Hello andy, Thank you for your comment. 'That guy' would be '那个男人 nà ge nánrén', it's not in the ...
"Who's a cool guy? am. " Feedback 5 6. These flowers are for you and your family. I am picked them for . (plural) Feedback 6 7. Look at these guys. Watch . Feedback 7 8. "You can call Mr. Cool." Feedback 8 9. The nurse is ready to give an injection now...
Pronouns are words likeI, it, which, who, that, his, herself. They are used 'in place of' a noun or a noun phrase.Toavoid repetition, we use a pronoun for the second and subsequent mentions of the same person or thing: WhenIarrived at their house, the big dog,whichwas called Rove...
To clear things up, what’s the phrase for he if the man is older than you? To get to the correct answer, what’s the word to refer to an older guy you’re talking to? It’s anh, right? (If you got it wrong, please review the section about ‘I’ and ‘You’ above). So ...
A plural pronoun is used when the indefinite pronoun refers to itself and more than one person or item. The pronoun agrees with closest noun in the quantity phrase. All of the fishermen fry their (own) fish for dinner. Some of us invite our wives on trips. (refers to the individuals) ...
For example, 私 is a Japanese first-person pronoun — a personal pronoun you use to talk about yourself. When a person named Jennifer introduces herself, she might say: 私はジェニファーです。 I am Jennifer. See how 私 is working as "I"? It's pretty straightforward, and it works jus...
All told, if you call me he/him, either because you’re used to it or for other reasons, don’t worry about it. I’m a guy and I own it. In fact, I may be one of the few people for whom the phrase “preferred pronoun” actually applies. Ipreferthey/them, but don’t object...
Kauffman, who went on to create the Netflix sitcomGrace and Frankie, said her views have progressed, and that she once "fired a guy on the spot for making a joke about a trans cameraperson," stressing that incidents of discrimination "just can't happen." ...
Take my Speak in a Week language course, and you'll start speaking your target language in just seven days - whatever your current skill level. Let's get speaking We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.Benny Lewis Founder, Fluent in 3 Months Fun-loving Irish guy, full-time ...