Looking for pronunciation of words? Phonetic translators on our site show you how to pronounce words correctly! Check out our pronunciation courses and tools!
Try the Promova pronunciation tool for free and learn how to pronounce anything in English correctly. Discover over 100,000 words and easily learn English pronunciation online! Find your word: Try: Apple Find how to pronounce a word and practice it in our free word pronouncer for English ...
It is so helpful.I have been having difficulty in pronouncing these words, for instance, word/world, cold/code, fire/file differently, which should be different. I also don’t know how to pronounce the “l” in “ball/fall/paul” and “feel/bill/meal” correctly. To me, it always ...
W [w] as in WILL Since English is not phonetic, the letter U doesn’t have just one pronunciation – it can be pronounced many different ways. Study the different pronunciations of this letter in various words. YouTube blocked?Click here to see the video. ...
A viral Reddit thread in 2015 commiserated about the most difficult words pronounce. This was one of them. Betsy Farrell 28 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious The only way to successfully say this word is to sing it, of course. While the catchy tune in 1964's Mary Poppins popularized the ...
There are countless words, grammar rules, and idioms to discover. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, embrace the learning process, and enjoy the adventure! Helpful Resources for Your Journey Chinese Language Apps: Duolingo, HelloChinese, Memrise, Pleco, and more. Online ...
A sentence is made up of words. A word is made up of vowels and consonants. There’s always one stress in every word, not two. Intonation is important to sound expressive. You should also understand the meaning of every word and link it to its sound. ...
Or maybe you've heard them rumble past your window? We're talking about trains, of course! And if you're trying to learn English, knowing how to pronounce words like "train" is super important. This isn't just about sounding smart; it's about communicating clear...
In other words, mutilating someone’s name is a tiny act of bigotry. Whether you intend to or not, what you’re communicating is this: Your name is different. Foreign. Weird. It’s not worth my time to get it right. Although most of your students may not know the word micro...
What words or phrases are difficult for you? Please put them in the comments below, and don’t forget to search my videos, I made have already made your video. If you’re new to Rachel’s English, welcome. I have over 500 videos to help you speak better American English on my YouTu...