Kubernetes🔊✅ [ˈkuːb ə˞ ˌnet iz] Elasticsearch🔊✅ [] Grafana🔊✅ [gɹə ˈfɑːn ˌɑː] Prometheus🔊✅ [pɹə ˈmiːθ ˌiː əs] Redux🔊✅ [ˈɹiːd ˌʌks]
Laban LAY-b'n, Lairs lehrz, Lamentations lam-ehn-TAY-shuhnz, Laodicea lay-o-dih-SEE-uh+or+lay-oh-DISS-ee-uh, Laodiceans ay-o-dih-SEE-uhnz, Lateran LAT-er-uhn, Laud lawd, Lazarus LAZ-er-uhs, Leah LEE-uh, Lebanon LEH-buh-nuhn, Leonardi lee-aw-NAR-dee, Levi LEE-vai, Levi...
Kronika je zapisala latinizirani slavenski oblik imena Lietuva: Litua koji se izgovara . WikiMatrix While Farage himself pronounces it thus, he has stated that he does not mind if the alternative pronunciation of /ˈfærɪdʒ/ is used by others – Farage vs Paxman, Newsnight ...