class 12 economics ncert solutions class 12 accountancy part 1 ncert solutions class 12 accountancy part 2 ncert solutions class 12 micro-economics ncert solutions class 12 commerce ncert solutions class 12 macro-economics ncert solutions for class 11 ncert solutions for class 11 physics ncert ...
7、中考) In order to keep healthy, you should eat _ fast food, _ fresh vegetables and take enough exercise. A) fewerfewer B) lessmore C) fewermoreD) lessless考例考例5 (06年中考年中考) Mr Smith is quite busy today. He has _ meetings to attend. A) littleB) a little C) fewD) ...
Sheis writing a letter to her cousin. (The pronoun ‘she’ is the subject in the sentence that is currently performing the action of writing a letter to her cousin) Didyouget the book you were looking for? (The pronoun ‘you’ is the subject pronoun in the sentence) ...
Nobody can help _ to mend it, so _ must mend it all by _.英语代词语法练习 Exercise 31.Is this dictionary? a. you b. yours & 21、#160; c. your d. hers 2.Its a bird. name is Happy. a. Its b. It c. Its d. His 3.wha 22、t color is your cat? Is it a white ? a...
Check your answers with the interactive version of the exercise. 1. Bernard's hair is so long that this young man really needs to visit a barber before his interview at the bank. 2. Calm Calvin never gets nervous before making a speech in Mrs. Smith's class, and he is so relaxed ...
2.复合不定代词 指人everyonesomeoneanyonenoone指人指物everybodyeverythingsomebodysomethinganybodyanythingnobodynothing Eg.1.Someonehastoldmeaboutthisbefore.(用作三单)2.I’vegotsomethinginterestingtotellyou.在形容词(或else)的前面 Puzzledialogues 1.It’stooheavytocarry.2.CanIhavesomebreakfast?3.I’m...
Name Date PRONOUN REFERENCE – EXERCISE 4 Directions: In the space provided, fix the underlined error. Check your answers with the interactive version of the exercise. ___ 1. Dr. Skinner, our psychology instructor, explained that Tweety, which is a Looney Tunes cartoon character, has passive...
2.复合不定代词 指人 指人 指物 everyoneeverybodyeverything someonesomebodysomething anyoneanybodyanything noonenobody nothing Eg.1.Someonehastoldmeaboutthisbefore.(用作三单)2.I’vegotsomethinginterestingtotellyou.在形容词(或else)的前面 Puzzledialogues 1.It’stooheavytocarry.2.CanIhavesomebreakfast...
"Had Jane brought her make up?" Mom wondered. Mom thought, "Has Jane brought my make up?" Other Resources Pronoun reference: explains pronouns using a student’s different learning styles: Pronoun-Agreement Exercise Pronoun-Agreement Exercise Pronoun-Antecedent Rules (RTF)...
關係代名詞 (Relative Pronoun) 是說明它前面的 東西 ( 人 / 事 / 物 ) 。 即你要把 Pronoun (who, which….) 放在要說明 的東西後面。 The lady who likes cheesecakes is my aunt. 你要說明 ”the lady”, 所以把 ”who” 放在她後面 Relative clause: who likes cheesecakes ...