Kids Definition pronoun noun pro·noun ˈprō-ˌnau̇n : a word that is used as a substitute for a noun More from Merriam-Webster on pronoun Nglish: Translation of pronoun for Spanish Speakers Britannica English: Translation of pronoun for Arabic Speakers ...
In fact, the term "pronoun" covers many words, some of which do not fall easily under the normal definition for a pronoun (i.e., "a word that replaces a noun or a noun phrase.") Table of Contents The Nine Types of Pronoun The Different Types of Pronoun in Detail Demonstrative ...
Kids Definition personal pronoun noun :a pronoun (asI, you,orthey) used as a substitute for a noun that names a definite person or thing Last Updated: 13 Feb 2025 - Updated example sentences Love words? Need even more definitions?
Definition of a Subject Pronoun Examples of Subject Pronouns Frequently Asked Questions on Subject Pronouns What Is a Subject Pronoun? A subjectpronounis a word that is used in the place of anoun. It plays the role of a subject in the sentence. Subject pronouns are usually placed in the fir...
Easy Examples of Possessive PronounsYour painting is interesting, but I prefer hers. (Here, the possessive pronoun "hers" replaces "her painting.") You fixed John's car, didn't you? Will you look at mine please? (Here, the possessive pronoun "mine" replaces "my car.") This boat ...
What Is An Indefinite Pronoun? Definition And Examples Nouns are important parts of speech that refer to people, places, things, and ideas. Sometimes, nouns need a break and askpronounsto fill in for them. Pronouns can do all of the jobs that nouns do, such as acting as subjects or ...
Examples and Observations "We were both work-study kids with University jobs.Herswas in the library;minewas in the Commons cafeteria." (Stephen King,Joyland. Titan Books, 2013) "Go on, get inside the TARDIS. Oh, never given you a key? Keep that. Go on, that’syours. Quite a big...
Explore object pronouns. Learn the definition of an object pronoun and understand what it is used for. Discover various examples of object pronouns in sentences. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents What Is an Object Pronoun? What Are Object Pronouns Used For? How Do Object Pronouns Work?
What is a Pronoun? - Lesson for Kids from Chapter 2 / Lesson 33 66K Learn about a group of words called pronouns. Discover what a pronoun is and the difference between subject pronouns and object projects. Finally, explore some common examples of pronouns used every day. Related...
What is pronoun and how is it used in writing and speaking? This lesson plan uses a text lesson to outline key facts about pronouns for students. An in-class game and activity allow students to demonstrate mastery. Learning Objectives