论文:[2208.01626] Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control (arxiv.org) 代码:google/prompt-to-prompt (github.com) 1. 背景 近年来,Imagen、DALL·E2和Parti等大规模语言图像(large- language-image, LLI)模型显示出了惊人的生成语义和组成能力,然而,这些模型不提供简单的编辑手段,并且通...
接下来作者介绍了 prompt2prompt 的几种实际应用,包括 text-only localized editing、global editing、fader control 和 real image editing。这里就不一一介绍了。 提一下关于 real image editing,由于此时的待编辑图片不是模型生成的,而是真实图片,因此我们无法直接获得其去噪过程的交叉注意力图。对于真实图片,我们需要...
1. 理解prompt-to-prompt image editing的概念 Prompt-to-Prompt图像编辑是一种通过修改文本提示(prompt)来编辑已生成图像的方法,而无需任何额外的掩码(mask)或手动输入。这种方法基于预训练的文本条件生成模型,如扩散模型(Diffusion Models),通过调整模型内部的交叉注意力(cross-attention)机制来控制图像的生成过程,从而...
image editing要求保留大部分原始图像,然而,纯SD模型不能提供对生成的图像进行控制,特别是仅使用文本引导。改变与图像相关的原始prompt中的一个单词通常会导致完全不同的结果。例如,添加形容词“白色”到“狗”通常会改变狗的形状。为了克服这一问题,现存的技术一般是mask解决,以限制应用更改的区域。本文观察到cross-...
Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control https://paperswithcode.com/paper/prompt-to-prompt-image-editing-with-cross https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.01626 https://github.com/google/prompt-to-prompt 编辑扩散模型;开源9天,收获900星 ...
cjwbw/prompt-to-prompt Prompt-to-prompt image editing with cross-attention control Public 2.1K runs GitHub Paper License Table of Contents
Unofficial implementation of "Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control" with Stable Diffusion - MattRix/CrossAttentionControl
title = {Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control}, author = {Hertz, Amir and Mokady, Ron and Tenenbaum, Jay and Aberman, Kfir and Pritch, Yael and Cohen-Or, Daniel}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.01626}, ...
Unofficial implementation of "Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control" with Stable Diffusion, some modifications were made to the methods described in the paper in order to make them work with Stable Diffusion. Paper:https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.01626 ...
conditioned model in depth and observe that the cross-attention layers are the key to controlling the relation between the spatial layout of the image to each word in the prompt. With this observation, we present several applications which monitor the image synthesis by editing the textual prompt...