I want to use the Prompt User for Input Express VI in LabVIEW 2019. However, when I go to use it in LabVIEW 2019 I am seeing unexpected behavior when trying to add additional inputs. The behavior that I am expecting to see is shown in the image below. Fo
Whenever you need input from a user, you can send a prompt, wait for the user to respond with input, and then process the input and send a response to the user. The following code sample prompts the user for their name and responds with a greeting message. ...
Whenever you need input from a user, you can send a prompt, wait for the user to respond with input, and then process the input and send a response to the user. The following code sample prompts the user for their name and responds with a greeting message. JavaScript Copy bot.dialog(...
While prompting for user input using fgets() is quite easy, sometimes you need to prompt for sensitive information. In these cases, the characters typed in by the user should not be directly visible, and this is quite a pain to do in a cross-platform way.This...
A beautiful command-line prompt for node.js Features prompts the user for input supports validation and defaults hides passwords Usage Using prompt is relatively straight forward. There are two core methods you should be aware of:prompt.get()andprompt.addProperties(). Their methods take strings re...
请编写一个函数parse_user_input(),接受用户输入作为参数,返回一个包含用户对流量、价格和适用人群的选择条件的字典。为了方便调试和输出,请使用print()函数打印输出结果。下面是一个用Prompt实现该函数的例子。 In [7]: 任务描述 instruction = “”" 你的任务是识别用户对手机流量套餐产品的选择条件。每种流量...
if not user_input: print("请输入有效的问题。") continue # 将输入信息放入上下文 contextMessages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) print("\\r请稍等..", end="", flush=True) # 请求GPT,并打印返回信息 chat_completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( ...
varlname=user.find('.lname').text(); vartxt='What would you like to change this to?'+ '<div class="field"><label for="editfname">First Name</label><input type="text" id="editfname" name="editfname" value="'+fname+'" /></div>'+ ...
languages being used. Specify the programming language you want. You should also include any other relevant contextual information, such as libraries, APIs or frameworks you are using. You can also mention context from already-written code, like “the user’s input is stored in a ...
用户输入 通过 user_input() 函数,提示可以通过UI中的文本框使其交互式。user_input() 函数阻塞执行,直到用户在UI中的文本框中输入字符串。user_input() 函数返回用户输入的字符串,例如,可以通过 prompt() 函数将其添加到上下文中。使用这些API,可以在仅使用四行代码的情况下实现聊天机器人:await prompt(...