动手学深度学习 (一本书带你了解chatgpt,跟上AI发展 京东 ¥42.50 去购买 一、自然语言处理中的两次重大变革 完全监督学习,即在目标任务的输入-输出示例数据集上仅对特定任务进行训练的任务特定模型,在许多机器学习任务中长期发挥着核心作用(Kotsiantis等,2007),自然语言处理(NLP)也不例外。由于这类手动注释...
ChatGPT_system_prompt This repository is a collection of various system prompts for ChatGPT and custom GPTs, providing significant educational value in learning about writing system prompts and creating custom GPTs. For a quick start, go to TOC.md to find the specific GPT or system prompt you...
运营黑客:4个免费插件,给你的ChatGPT装上「超级铠甲」,效率直接翻10倍!尤其第一个金色插件,简直炫酷94 赞同 · 14 评论文章 充当Linux 终端i want you to act as a linux terminal. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to only reply with the te...
Merve Noyan created an exceptional ChatGPT Prompt Generator App, allowing users to generate prompts tailored to their desired persona. The app uses this repository as its training dataset. Using prompts.chat prompts.chat is designed to provide an enhanced UX when working with prompts. With just ...
While ChatGPT boasts countless features, there is one that appeals to programmers the most: the ability to generate code. ChatGPT has proven to be capable of generating functional code in a matter of…
AI Chatbot, AI Content Creation, AI Text-to-Image, AI Text-to-Speech, AI-Enhanced Classification, AI-Enhanced Medical Imaging, AI-Generated Art, AI-Generated Code, AI-Generated Video, Facial Recognition, Image Processing, Image Recognition AI Development Language Python AI...
Automate ChatGPT It's not surprising, then, that prompt engineering has emerged as a hot job in generative AI, with some organizations offering lucrative salaries of up to $335,000 to attract top-tier candidates. But what even is this job? Here, I'll cover everything you need to know...
rubend18/ChatGPT-Jailbreak-Prompts - A dataset of jailbreak prompts for ChatGPT. deadbits/vigil-jailbreak-ada-002 - Vigilant dataset for ADA-002 jailbreak attempts. 🕵️♂️ GPT Agents System Prompt Leaks Find leaked prompts and system information from GPT agents. 🌟 | 0xeb/TheBig...
On the SuperGlue benchmark, GPTs achieve comparable and sometimes better performance to similar-sized BERTs in supervised learning. Importantly, we find that P-tuning also improves BERTs' performance in both few-shot and supervised settings while largely reducing the need for prompt engineering. ...
A collection of awesome-prompt-datasets, awesome-instruction-dataset, to train ChatLLM such as chatgpt 收录各种各样的指令数据集, 用于训练 ChatLLM 模型。 - jianzhnie/awesome-instruction-datasets