这是Prompt 组件是在离开当前页面是触发 import{ Link, Prompt } from'react-router-dom' // 在页面中添加标签 <Prompt when={isShelf}// 一个状态when= true 是才触发下面方法 message={this.unAddShelf.bind(this)} /> 页面跳转拦截 unAddShelf(location) { // location 携带的路径 constpathUrl = loc...
React Router DOM Prompt 的代码可以在这里找到: // 代码示例 5functionPrompt({message,when=true}){return(<RouterContext.Consumer>{context=>{invariant(context,"You should not use <Prompt> outside a <Router>");if(!when||context.staticContext)returnnull;constmethod=context.history.block;return(<Lif...
import { Prompt } from "react-router-dom"; const Login = () => { return ( <> <Prompt message={(location, action) => { // 返回 true 表示不拦截, 你可也检查当前页面数据,提示用户是否放弃填写的数据 return true; // 返回 string 会提示用户,让用户选择是否离开 return `Are you sure you w...
Cloudera在2019年9月18日正式对外宣布发布Cloudera Stream Processing(CSP)2.0,参考《Cloudera Streams Ma...
微前端框架(其运行时能力)与 React Router DOM 类似,本质是通过劫持 window.history 的 pushState 和 replaceState 方法,以及监听 popstate 和 hashChange 事件,并根据当前 URL 动态渲染匹配成功的微应用。以微前端框架 icestark 为例,简化逻辑如下: 代码语言:javascript ...
I've recently migrated from version 3 to 4.1.2 in the hope that the following bug caused by the setRouteLeaveHook won't be present in the <Prompt /> component from react-router-dom. So, as per the use case of Prompt component, when the user standing in the form refreshes the page,...
import{ Prompt }from'react-router-dom'; 我们使用Prompt组件来创建一个提示框,以便在用户导航到结算页面之前询问他们是否已经登录。我们通过将一个回调函数传递给when属性来控制提示框的显示。 functionApp() { const[isLoggedIn,setIsLoggedIn]=useState(false); return( <BrowserRouter> <Prompt when={!isLogged...
import { Prompt } from "react-router-dom"; class Profile extends Component { state = { name: "", }; render() { return (<Promptwhen={!!this.state.name}<!-- Tell prompt should happen -->message={location => `Are you sure you want to go to ${location.pathname}`}<!--if return...
import { Prompt } from "react-router-dom"; class Profile extends Component { state = { name: "", }; render() { return (<Promptwhen={!!this.state.name}<!-- Tell prompt should happen -->message={location => `Are you sure you want to go to ${location.pathname}`}<!--if return...
import { fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor } from "@testing-library/react"; import { Link, RouterProvider, createBrowserRouter, unstable_usePrompt as usePrompt, } from "../index"; import "@testing-library/jest-dom"; import { JSDOM } from "jsdom"; describe("usePrompt", () => { af...