Lecture8:Promotion-IntegratedMarketingCommunications LearningOutcomes Bytheendofthislectureyoushouldbeableto: Definetheconceptofintegratedmarketingcommunicationsandexplaintheroleitplayswithinthemarketingmix.Discussthedifferencesbetweenpushandpullstrategies.OutlinehowthekeydecisionsindevelopinganIMC...
There are three types of sales promotion strategies’. Push, Pull or a combination of the two. A push promotional strategy makes use of*a company’s sales force and trade promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product. It involves convincing trade intermediary channel ...
Istudy.Iunderstand.Ican Unit5Promotion Improvecommunicativeskills Istudy.Iunderstand.Ican WhatIsPromotion?•促销:企业通过人员或非人员推销的方式,将产品或劳务的信息传送给目标顾客,从而引起兴趣,促进购买,实现企业产品销售的一系列活动。–Communicationbymarketersthatinforms,persuades,andremindspotentialbuyersofa...
9、on:Type of Product-Market &Product Life-Cycle StageStrategy that Calls for Using the Salesforce and Trade Promotion to Push the Product Through the Channels.推或拉的策略推或拉的策略Push vs. Pull StrategyProducerProducerIntermediariesMarketingactivitiesEnd usersMarketingactivitiesDemandIntermediariesDemand...
A hybrid strategy combines push and pull tactics. Using both, you can reach customers at each marketing funnel stage. Sales promotion ideas Promotions can take many forms, providing endless opportunities for creativity. The key is to be creative and cater to the needs of your target audience wi...
Price D1D2 0 Quantity0 DD Quantity0 DD Quantity A.Tobemoreinelastic Exhibit14-3 14-8 B.totheright C.Bothtotherightandmoreinelastic IntegratingtheElementsofthePromotionMix TheproductlifecycleProductcharacteristics complexityrisk Thetargetaudience consumervs.businesspullvs.push Pushvs.PullStrategies ...
Pull Strategy –The pull strategy attempts to get the customers to ‘pull’ the products from the company. It involves making use ofmarketing communicationand initiatives like seasonal discounts, financial schemes, etc. Push Strategy –The push strategy attempts to push the product away from the co...
促销组合策略推式策略 Push strategy 以中间商为促销对象,主要运用人员推销和营业推广方式,促进中间商接受企业产品,并积极向最终消费者推销本企业产品。拉式策略Pull strategy 以最终消费者为促销对象,主要运用广告、公共关系等促销方式,吸引和刺激消费者产生需求,向中间商询购本企业产品,中间商则在消费者需求的拉动下,...
In all these cases, it is a pull technique (persuading consumers to pull the product through retailers) rather than a push technique (selling by sales promotions, for instance, into the channels). Promotion provides a message to create awareness, interest, understanding, attitudes, and purchase ...
Discuss the differences between push and pull strategies. Outline how the key decisions in developing an IMC campaign. Identify the different promotional tools available to marketers. marketing and promotion Marketing and Promotion Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should understand the...