and the reason is Bruce Springsteen", Daisann McLane wrote inRolling Stone. "He has the kind of drawing power in the New York area that will pack a house for two nights
: class and gender in Bruce Spring- steen's rock lyrics. Geografiska Annaler, 74 B (3), s 167-187.———. 1992 . Where is the ’promised land’?: Class and gender in Bruce Springsteen’s rock lyrics. Geografiska Annaler Series B, Human Geography 74(3): 167–187....
His lyrics and music appear to seek, with great resolve, the ascent of the human spirit, the point of breakthrough into love, passion, or sheer energy and ecstasy (McParland 2007, p. 19). As an inheritor of the American Transcendentalist tradition, Springsteen’s use of classical poetic ...