背景: NodeJS做后端,要写单元测试,使用使用sinon来stub 异步执行的repository。前面都还好好的,突然有一个测试红了,报错Promise returned by test never resolved,是异步方法没有mock成功,但是看发现调用的方法确实是mock了,百思不得其解,最后一个同事发现了问题 代码结构大概这样 1//user.repository23const findUse...
constpromise=newPromise(function(resolve,reject){reject(newError('test'));});promise.catch(function(error){console.log(error);}); 如果Promise状态已经变成resolved,再抛出错误是无效的。因为 Promise 的状态一旦改变,就永久保持该状态,不会再变了: constpromise=newPromise(function(resolve,reject){resolve('...
1. 建立基础的构造函数 需求 基于 Promises/A+ (promisesaplus.com) , 我们需要实现: promise 有三个状态:pending(未完成),fulfilled(完成),or rejected(拒绝)。初始状态为 pending ,且状态结束只能从pending改为
I see in Network tab in Dev tools that a request is made and there are no errors however response data is somehow intercepted by msw and returned data is undefined. I just use simple fetch and logging output, but all I got is this in console: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to...
Resolves the promise returned bypromise(). All consumers are notified by having$onFulfilled(which they registered via$promise->then()) called with$value. If$valueitself is a promise, the promise will transition to the state of this promise once it is resolved. ...
Usually you want to mock the whole request function which is returned by require('request-promise'). This is not possible by using a mocking library like sinon.js alone. What you need is a library that ties into the module loader and makes sure that your mock is returned whenever the ...
This is the tenth article in the series of exploring the principles of JS native methods. This article will introduce how to write a Promise A+ spe...
Returns aPromiseobject that is resolved with the given value. If the value is a thenable (i.e. has athenmethod), the returned promise will "follow" that thenable, adopting its eventual state; otherwise the returned promise will be fulfilled with the value. Generally, if you don't know if...
@param {Any} value value that the returned promise will be resolved with Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} a promise that will become fulfilled with the given `value` */ functionresolve$1(object) { /*jshint validthis:true */