这里我看到:在ESlint的配置文件中env这一项的内容中加入:es6: true即可: image.png
这段代码会检查window对象上是否存在Promise,如果不存在,则使用require函数导入一个polyfill。 检查ESLint配置,确保不是由于配置问题导致的误报: 如果你的项目中使用了ESLint,并且你确信代码中应该使用Promise而不是promise,那么可能是ESLint的配置问题导致的误报。 你可以检查ESLint的配置文件(通常是.eslintrc文件或e...
ESLint Version: 4.14.0 Node Version: 6.11.1 npm Version: 5.3.0 What parser (default, Babel-ESLint, etc.) are you using? default const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {}); eslint config { "env": { "browser": true, "node": true ...
Promise is not defined Browse files master (DIYgod/RSSHub#49) knight42 committed Apr 23, 2018 1 parent eb06676 commit 9b4e7d0 Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 2 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions 5 .eslintrc Original...
上面代码中,内部有语法错误。代码运行到这一行,会打印出错误提示ReferenceError: x is not defined,但是不会退出进程、终止脚本执行,2 秒之后还是会输出'代码结束'。这就是说,Promise 内部的错误不会影响到 Promise 外部的代码,通俗的说法就是“Promise 会吃掉错误”。
vue.js、eslint 我使用的是Vue Watch方法,如下所示 watch: { currentQuestion() { // console.log("Watch currentQuestion", "Start"); immediate: true; this.selectedIndex = null; this.shuffleAnswers(); } } 当ESLint运行时,会显示一个错误:error 'immediate:' is defined but never used no-u 浏览...
import { logger } from 'foy' task('build', async ctx => { await ctx.exec('tsc') // run multiple commands synchronously await ctx.exec([ 'tsc --outDir ./lib', 'tsc --module es6 --outDir ./es', ]) // run multiple commands concurrently await Promise.all([ ctx.exec('eslint'...
3.0.0 Updated setTimeout to not be affected by test mocks This is considered a breaking change because people may have been using this functionality. If you would like to keep version 2 functionality, set Promise._setImmediateFn onpromise-polyfilllike the code below. ...
“关键字yield是保留的”eslint错误 、、、 我正在尝试使用Webpack 1.13.12和eslint 3.11.0和eslint-plugin-promise 3.4.0。我正在尝试使用answer 让Superagent生成web服务调用的结果。import agent from 'superagent';import Promise from 'promiselocalhost/s 浏览0提问于2016-11-27得票数 4 5回答...
It is worth readingESLint topiconglobal-requireand see why it's not allowed in various rule sets by default (Airbnb, for example). But you actually mentioned that yourself: I made a simple type-o in thegetModel(kind)method and that uncovered an underlying issue with an uncaught promise ...