The surface prominence of Gerdy's tubercle on left tibia was rough in 30%, smooth 70% and 40% rough, 60% smooth on right side. For localization the distance from the tip of the Tibial tuberosity to the tip of the Gerdy's tubercle was measured and found to be 55.90mm 卤 6.34 on ...
subcutaneous bursa of tibial tuberosity胫骨粗隆皮下囊,胫骨粗隆皮下囊 subcutaneous synovial bursa皮下滑膜囊 subcutaneous bursa of calcaneus跟皮下囊 subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa髌下皮下囊 give prominence to突出,使显著,使显赫一时 equatorial prominence赤道日珥 ...