800-775-3926 免费·呼叫 Customer Service·最受欢迎的Prometric号码 免费工具,让通话更轻松 我们会为您打电话与他们交谈跳过等待中 Q: 我如何与 Prometric 的真人交谈? A:在第一个菜单中按 2。必须选择选项 1-4,然后在线等待,直至转接给代表。我们的免费电话还可以通过电话菜单联系Prometric 的人工客服。 Q: P...
Mr. Kernan, when I inquired, the suggestion that I return to school and pay to take the course again, was suggested by the customer service person I spoke to on October 29, 2020. Mr. Kernan, I am requesting a meeting/phone call. Prometric sets the guidelines for Nursing Assistants, but...