# 先删除,在重新创建 $ kubectl delete secrets -n monitoring additional-configs $ kubectl create secret generic additional-configs --from-file=prometheus-additional.yaml -n monitoring 1. 2. 3. 看到下面输出结果,说明 Prometheus 已重载 打开Prometheus 的 Target 页面,就会看到 上面定义的blackbox-k8s-serv...
相比较zabbix,prometheus可以自动发现服务,zabbix自己也可以通过脚本自动服务发现端口并监控,但是假如端口挂了,zabbix会变黑,提示历史的端口不在了。也就是在每个pod中都有这个脚本,比较繁琐 zabbix从数据库中读取数据,以key-value形式在页面展示,prometheus则是把一个页面的静态资源抓取并展示出来。只有当查询的时候才会...
Zabbix's client is more of only reporting things, push mode. In Prometheus, the client also stores monitoring data locally, and the server regularly pulls the desired data. Zabbix's client agent can easily read the database, log and other files in the machine through scripts for reporting. ...
Prometheus vs Zabbix 公司要上监控,Prometheus 是最热门的监控解决方案,作为喜新厌旧的程序员,我当然是选择跟风了,但上级更倾向于 Zabbix,那没办法,只能好好对比一番,给出几个靠谱的理由了。 Monitoring system 但稍稍深入一点,我就体会到,我之前其实并没有真的理解口口相传的 Prometheus 的优点,这次对比虽然是...
Zabbix's client is more of only reporting things, push mode. In Prometheus, the client also stores monitoring data locally, and the server regularly pulls the desired data. Zabbix's client agent can easily read the database, log and other files in the machine through scripts for reporting. ...
kubectlgetsvc prometheus-grafana -n monitoring 3.通过浏览器访问 Prometheus 和 Grafana Dashboard。 步骤三:配置监控目标 Prometheus Operator 会自动发现 K8s 集群中的服务和资源,创建相应的监控目标配置。可以通过编辑 PrometheusRule、ServiceMonitor 等资源来自定义监控目标。
git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/repos/zabbix/browse/templates/os/linux_prom4.2+ Template 2019-10-03 See all Zabbix community templates Articles and documentation Zabbix Documentation:Prometheus checks kasten.io:How to Integrate KASTEN K10 with ZABBIX for Monitoring and Metrics ...
In OpenShift, create a ServiceAccount to use in the Zabbix connection to Prometheus/Thanos. Using theocCLI, connect to OpenShift and follow the steps below: $ oc project openshift-monitoring $ oc create sa zabbix-sa $ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view -z zabb...
...展示模版下载: https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards 三、prometheus部署 git网站:https://github.com/coreos/kube-prometheus...mkdirprometheuscdprometheusgit clone https://github.com/coreos/kube-prometheus.git cd kube-prometheus...prometheus: k8s name:prometheus-k8s namespace: monitoring spec...