Service Discovery:Prometheus dynamically discovers scrape targets through systems like Kubernetes, AWS EC2, etc. This feature is particularly useful in Kubernetes environments, enabling Prometheus to identify endpoints for metric scraping. 服务发现:Prometheus 通过 Kubernetes、AWS EC2 等系统动态发现抓取目标。...
部署Grafana 组件 官方文档: 由于官方 YAML 中用到 K8s 持久化 PV 存储,如果你的环境有存储了,则不需要配置 NFS 存储来实现,直接使用即可,我这里的实验环境是没有存储的,所以需要通过 NFS 来实现持久化存储。 配置NFS 存储 所有节...
Prometheus 最开始是由 SoundCloud 开发的开源监控告警系统,是 Google BorgMon 监控系统的开源版本。在 2016 年,Prometheus 加入 CNCF,成为继 Kubernetes 之后第二个被 CNCF 托管的项目。随着 Kubernetes 在容器编排领头羊地位的确立,Prometheus 也成为 Kubernetes 容器监控的标配。 关于Prometheus 的介绍可以参考我之前的...
Kubernetes Worker节点 glusterfs 01节点 k8snode02 sdb Kubernetes Worker节点 glusterfs 02节点 k8snode03 sdb Kubernetes Worker节点 glusterfs 03节点 提示:本规划直接使用裸磁盘完成。 1.3 安装glusterfs # yum -y install centos-release-gluster ...
RHEL系统:prometheus-rpm/release - Results in prometheus-rpm/releaseUbuntu和Debian可直接使用apt命令安装 二进制安装Download | Prometheus 基于docker 运行Installation | Prometheus 基于kubernetes operator 安装
You can enable Managed Service for Prometheus for a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster to monitor the cluster and containers in the cluster in real time. After you enable Managed Service for Prometheus, you can view metrics displayed on Grafana dashboar...
注意:以下为简略步骤,详情参考《附009.Kubernetes永久存储之GlusterFS独立部署》。 1.1 架构示意 略 1.2 相关规划 提示:本规划直接使用裸磁盘完成。 1.3 安装glusterfs # yum -y install centos-release-gluster # yum -y install glusterfs-server # systemctl start glusterd ...
container_cpu_load_average_10s gaugecontainer_cpu_load_average_10s{container_label_annotation_io_kubernetes_container_hash="",container_label_annotation_io_kubernetes_container_ports="",container_label_annotation_io_kubernetes_container_restartCount="",container_label_annotation_io_kubernetes_container_... linux podMonitorNamespaceSelector: {} podMonitorSelector: {} query: maxConcurrency: 1000 replicas: 2 resources: ... retention: 7d ruleSelector: matchLabels: prometheus: k8s role: alert-rules scrapeInterval: 1m securityContext: ...
Prometheus collects metrics via a pull model over HTTP. In Kubernetes, Prometheus can automatically discover targets using Kubernetes API, targets can be pods, daemon sets, nodes, etc. A typical Prometheus installation in Kubernetes includes these components: ...