他是用于Prometheus的一个nvidia-smi metrics exporter ,可以帮助手机windows中的GPU信息,相当于执行了如下命令 nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name,index,temperature.gpu,utilization.gpu,utilization.memory,memory.total,memory.free,memory.used --format=csv,noheader,nounits nvidia-smi.exe查看GPU信息 (1)打开cmd窗口(...
for: 1m # for语句会使 Prometheus 服务等待指定的时间, 然后执行查询表达式。(for 表示告警持续的时...
- alert: InstanceDown# 告警名称expr: up==0# 告警的判定条件,参考Prometheus高级查询来设定for: 2m# 满足告警条件持续时间多久后,才会发送告警labels:#标签项team:nodeannotations:# 解析项,详细解释告警信息summary:"{{$labels.instance}}: has been down"description:"{{$labels.instance}}: job {{$labels....
- name: Windows主机告警 rules: - alert: Windows 服务告警 expr: windows_service_status{status="ok"} != 1 for: 5m labels: severity: 严重 annotations: summary: "Windows服务告警状态告警 (instance {{ $labels.instance }})" description: "Windows Service state is not OK\n 当前值 = {{ $value...
prometheus-community/windows_exporter (5 rules)[copy section] # 1.5.1. windows server collector error # 1.5.2. windows server service status # 1.5.3. windows server cpu usage # 1.5.4. windows server memory usage ...
Add binaries for Windows (#235) @lucacome Add Homebrew tap (#236) @lucacome add metric for max_conns of upstream servers (#201) @StevenHessing Add binaries for macOS (#209) @lucacome 📝 Documentation Release 0.10.0 (#237) @lucacome Add Homebrew tap (#236) @lucacome Add docs for...
net: fix sanitize # on the nic label for windows_net_nic_address_info by@jkroepkeinhttps://github.com/prometheus-community/windows_exporter/pull/1839 fix: Windows 11/Windows Server 2025 service compatibility by@jkroepkeinhttps://github.com/prometheus-community/windows_exporter/pull/1841 ...
下载地址https://grafana.com/grafana/download 代码语言:shell 复制 [root@jk ~]# sudo yum install -y https://dl.grafana.com/enterprise/release/grafana-enterprise-11.4.0-1.x86_64.rpm[root@jk ~]# systemctl enable --now grafana-server.serviceCreated symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target...
2,232 app o11y host hours 2,232 k8s monitoring host hours 37,944 k8s monitoring container hours and more cool stuff Create free accountNo credit card needed, ever. On this page: Introduction Metrics usage Grafana Cloud’s Linux Node Integration ...
Managed and administered by Grafana Labs with free and paid options for individuals, teams, and large enterprises. Includes a robust free tier with access to 10k metrics. Create free account Enterprise Metrics A self-managed Prometheus service that is seamless to use, simple to operate/maintain, ...