2、数据抓取间隔检查 https://access.redhat.com/documentation/zh-cn/red_hat_advanced_cluster_management_for_kubernetes/2.4/html/release_notes/error-ingesting-out-of-order-samples 在红帽官网的Thanos中有一条记录 消耗不按顺序示例时出错 Error on ingesting out-of-order samples 错误消息表示,在...
问题1:prometheus日志报错Error on ingesting out-of-order samples或者prometheus就没有报错日志,对应的采集的metrics接口都是通的,但是prometheus查询不到指标数据 问题2:自定义的元指标查询出来的数据和元指标内容查询出来的数据不一样 问题1:prometheus日志报错Error on ingesting out-of-order samples或者prometheus就没...
Prometheus is dropping metrics due to an "Error on ingesting out-of-order samples". I've verified that there is only one instance of cloudwatch-exporter running and there is a single service account. Deployment is done through helm with mostly default values for scraping ELB and RDS metrics....
"Error on ingesting out-of-order samples" "Error on ingesting samples with different value but same timestamp" AlertManager may be firing warnings for: PrometheusDuplicateTimestamps PrometheusOutOfOrderTimestamps Environment Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 (OCP4) ...
I saw a lot of error messages about "Error on ingesting out-of-order samples" & "duplicate sample for timestamp" Environment System information: Linux 4.18.0-240.22.1.el8_3.x86_64 x86_64 Prometheus version: both are v1.8.2-0.20220106152233-4727c41a4b32 ...
而上述问题中的生产集群遇到的Error on ingesting out-of-order samples错误在很多集群是很难遇到,只有某些数据量巨大的集群才会出现,像这个运行面生产集群有 5w 多个容器,而且那段时间该集群在做扩缩容实验。 经过对分多个采集 Prometheus 并对 kubelet 采集 job 进行哈希分片,优化远程写分区数、每次样本发送数等参数...
it looks like, it was the solution. I did not changed anything … except enable this option. On Prometheus I can see: ... msg="Error on ingesting out-of-order samples" num_dropped=12516 ... msg="Error on ingesting samples with different value but same timestamp" num_dropped=4 ...
= nil {rule.SetHealth(HealthBad)rule.SetLastError(err)switch erro 然后就是规则的具体执行了,我们这里先只看AlertingRule的流程。首先看下AlertingRule的结构: // An AlertingRule generates alerts from its vector expression.type AlertingRule struct {// The name of the alert.name string// The vector...
func(m*Manager)Update(interval time.Duration,files[]string,externalLabels labels.Labels,externalURL string)error{m.mtx.Lock()defer m.mtx.Unlock()// 从当前文件中加载规则groups,errs:=m.LoadGroups(interval,externalLabels,externalURL,files...)iferrs!=nil{for_,e:=range errs{level.Error(m.logger...
[BUGFIX] TSDB: return an error on ingesting series with duplicate labels #6664 [BUGFIX] PromQL: Fix unary operator precedence #6579 [BUGFIX] PromQL: Respect query.timeout even when we reach query.max-concurrency #6712 [BUGFIX] PromQL: Fix string and parentheses handling in engine, which ...