例如,在使用邮件告警时,我们可以添加以下配置来定义一个名为“myalert”的告警规则:- alert: HighCPUUsage expr: cpu_usage_percentage > 80 for: 5m labels: severity: critical annotations: summary:"High CPU usage detected" description:"CPU usage is {{$value }}%"这个告警规则将在CPU...
# 创建一个Gauge类型的指标,例如监控CPU使用率 cpu_usage = Gauge('huwjpy_cpu_usage', 'Example CPU usage percentage', ['hostname'], registry=registry) # 假设我们从某个地方获取到了CPU使用率数据 hostname = socket.gethostname() # 获取当前主机名 cpu_usage.labels(hostname).set(random.randint(0...
from prometheus_client import start_http_server, Gauge import psutil import time # 创建一个新的Gauge对象,用于表示CPU利用率指标 cpu_usage = Gauge('cpu_usage', 'Current CPU usage percentage') def collect_cpu_usage(): """周期性地收集CPU利用率数据""" cpu_usage.set(psutil.cpu_percent(interval...
导航到 http://localhost:9090,检查本地 Prometheus 服务是否已启动并运行。 检查Prometheus 抓取程序状态并调试以下来源的错误:http://localhost:9090/targets?search= 目标完全启动并运行后,可以在 UI 中查询提供的指标,例如 cpu_usage_percentage 或mem_usage_percentage。Datadog...
Pod CPU使用率的计算 从man top手册中找到了CPU使用率的定义: 1.%CPU--CPUUsageThetask's share of the elapsedCPUtime since thelastscreen update,expressedasa percentage of totalCPUtime.InatrueSMPenvironment,ifa processismulti-threaded and topisnot operatinginThreadsmode,amounts greater than100%may be...
gauge_cpu_usage = Gauge('cpu_usage', 'Current CPU usage in percentage') ``` 3. Histogram(直方图): Histogram用于测量和统计数据的分布情况,例如请求的响应时间分布或数据的大小分布。它根据设定的桶(buckets)来记录数据的统计信息,例如各个区间内的数据数量、总和等。常见的应用场景是监控API的响应时间、请求...
當目標完全啟動並執行之後,您可以在 UI 中查詢提供的計量,例如cpu_usage_percentage或mem_usage_percentage。 Datadog整合 備註 此範例的初步設定是以免費版本為基礎。 Datadog有各種不同的代理程式,可在不同的環境中部署。 為了示範目的,下列命令會在本機啟動 Mac OS 代理程式,以抓取 Databricks 主機中的...
description:" {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} jvm process cpu usage is too high for more than 2 minutes." 二、Pod CPU使用率 > 80 (1)计算公式 1 2 sumby(cluster, pod) (irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod!=""}[5m]) * 100 ) / ...
For example, in the following query, we are filtering the total CPU usage percentage per second at the pod level. To do so, you must create acustom legendwith the value node. Furthermore, it is essential to set the Units in the panel to the ones in the preceding table. ...
record: instance:node_cpu_saturation_load1 expr: node_load1 > on (instance) 2 * count by (instance)(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}) record: instance:node_memory_usage:percentage expr: (node_memory_MemTotal_bytes - (node_memory_MemFree + node_memory_Cached_bytes + node_memory_Buff...