nvidia_smi_ecc_mode_pending: 待设置的ECC模式。 nvidia_smi_encoder_stats_average_fps: 编码器的平均帧率。 nvidia_smi_encoder_stats_average_latency: 编码器的平均延迟。 nvidia_smi_encoder_stats_session_count: 编码器的会话数量。 nvidia_smi_enforced_power_limit_watts: 实施的功率限制,单位是瓦特。 nvi...
查询条件: {"namespace":"SYS.ELB","dimensions":[{"lbaas_instance_id":["373b1e50-a1a5-4ca2-94a1-d8fde3787e50"]}],"resourceId":"373b1e50-a1a5-4ca2-94a1-d8fde3787e50","tenantId":"87262519899258880","start":1604016262495,"end":1609290262495,"period":86400,"statistics":"AVERAGE","proje...
avg (calculate the average over dimensions) group (all values in the resulting vector are 1) stddev (calculate population standard deviation over dimensions) stdvar (calculate population standard variance over dimensions) count (count number of elements in the vector) count_values (count number of ...
在Overview (average over the selected time range)区域,查看Knative的请求量(Request Volume)、请求成功率(Success Rate)、4xx(客户端错误)、5xx(服务器端错误)和Pod扩缩容趋势的监控数据。 说明 Request Volume、4xx和5xx的大盘图标纵轴ops/sec表示每秒处理请求数。 响应延迟数据 在Response Time区域,查...
在Overview (average over the selected time range)区域,查看Knative的请求量(Request Volume)、请求成功率(Success Rate)、4xx(客户端错误)、5xx(服务器端错误)和Pod扩缩容趋势的监控数据。 说明 Request Volume、4xx和5xx的大盘图标纵轴ops/sec表示每秒处理请求数。 响应延迟数据 在Response Time区域,查看Knative的...
min, max, avg, sum, stddev, stdvar over timeThe naming makes the purpose of these functions quite obvious. For instance, avg_over_time() is what you may use to compute a moving average of some metric. Similarly, stddev_over_time() can be used to produce a moving standard deviation....
avg(calculate the average over dimensions) group(all values in the resulting vector are 1) stddev(calculate population standard deviation over dimensions) stdvar(calculate population standard variance over dimensions) count(count number of elements in the vector) ...
avg (calculate the average over dimensions) group (all values in the resulting vector are 1) stddev (calculate population standard deviation over dimensions) stdvar (calculate population standard variance over dimensions) count (count number of elements in the vector) ...
Prometheus将监控数据存储为时间序列数据,每个时间序列由一个唯一的标识符(metricname+labelset)和一系列的(timestamp,value)对组成。这种存储方式非常适合监控数据,因为监控数据通常具有时间依赖性,并且需要快速查询和聚合。 1.2WAL(Write-AheadLogging) Prometheus使用WAL机制来保证数据的持久化。当Prometheus接收到新的监控...
avg(calculate the average over dimensions) group(all values in the resulting vector are 1) stddev(calculate population standard deviation over dimensions) stdvar(calculate population standard variance over dimensions) count(count number of elements in the vector) ...