Promega Corporation is a worldwide leader in applying biochemistry and molecular biology to the development of innovative, high-value products for the life sciences. The Promega mission statement is: To be the most responsive supplier of biological reage
Promega Corporation is a worldwide leader in applying biochemistry and molecular biology to the development of innovative, high-value products for the life sciences. The Promega mission statement is: To be the most responsive supplier of biological reage
Promega Corporation is a worldwide leader in applying biochemistry and molecular biology to the development of innovative, high-value products for the life sciences. The Promega mission statement is: To be the most responsive supplier of biological reage
Business Type:Trading Company Mr.promega Tel: 1 800 356-9526 Mobile: Tel:1 800 356-9526 Fax:608.277.2516 Province/state:Madison City:Madison Street:Promega Corporation 2800 Woods Hollow Road Madison, WI 53711 USA MaxCard: Products Categories ...
Promega主要产品:1.细胞转染:FuGENE® HD转染试剂:是一种非脂质体制剂,用于将质粒DNA转染到多种细胞系中,高效低毒。该方案无需去除血清或培养基,导入试剂/DNA复合物后,也无需洗涤或更好培养基。Nano-Glo@ Live Cel Assay System:是一种用于检测活细胞内NanoBiT 或NanoLuc@ 生物发光的单次添加、非细胞烈...
Promega 公司成立于1978年,由创始人Bill Lintion先生创立。总部设在美国威斯康星州麦迪逊市,在16个国家设有分公司,在全球范围内有 50 多家经销商。Promega 拥有 4,000 多种产品,致力于提高全球范围内的科学家对基因组学、蛋白质组学、细胞分析、分子诊断和遗传鉴定等领域的认知。
双荧光素酶报告基因检测系统-promega 热度: Luciferase reporter assays Powerful, adaptable tools for cell荧光素酶报告基因检测功能强大,细胞适应性的工具 热度: 基于p21途径抗肿瘤药物筛选的双荧光素酶报告系统的建立 热度: PromegaCorporation·2800WoodsHollowRoad·Madison,WI53711-5399USA ...
Welcome to Promega. We’re glad you’re here. We invite you to discover a career that means more by bringing your full self every day and taking on the challenges that motivate us. We foster a thriving and supportive work environment for collaborators, learners and go-getters. Together, we...
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