Introducing The Crestone Seismic Processing Software This suite of software provides powerful problem solving routines such as Azimuthal Velocity Analysis, Low Frequency Kx-Ky Filter and 3D High Frequency Enhancement and much more. It builds on what is available in SeisSpace and ProMAX and provides you...
ProMAX upgradeReports that Landmark Graphics Corp. released ProMAX 7.0, the latest upgrade of the software program for 2-/3-dimensional seismic processing. Major enhancements in the software.Schmidt, VictorOffshore
Software solution drastically speeds up conventional seismic data processing flows executed by ProMAX. The effect is especially prominent in case of processing of large volumes of seismic data on cluster architectures. Benchmark tests show approximately
Reports on Landmark Graphics' collaboration with 4th Wave Imaging, a California-based company specializing in time-lapse technology, to release ProMAX 4D, a software package designed for improving seismic images. Features and functions of ProMAX; Landmark Graphics' experiences with the seismic ...