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Prom tradition comes to UK Proms(正式舞会)are big news in Britain these days. A school prom is a formal party to celebrate an important date at school such as the end of secondary school or after completing school exams. A secondary school prom often involves a big party, big dresses and...
Prom tradition comes to UK Proms(正式舞会)are big news in Britain these days. A school prom is a formal party to celebrate an important date at school such as the end of secondary school or after completing school exams. A secondary school prom often involves a big party, big dresses and...
Prom tradition comes to UK Proms (正式舞会) are big news in Britain these days. A school prom is a formal party to celebrate an important date at school such as the end of secondary school or after completing school exams. A secondary school prom often involves a big party, big dresses ...