A prolonged event or situation continues for a long time, or for longer than expected. e.g. ...a prolonged period of low interest rates. 长期的低利率 e.g. ...a prolonged drought. 长期的干旱 prolonged 单语例句 1. Yew said the rats and monkeys both became fearful, suffered delusions an...
* prolonged interrogation over an unreasonably extended period of time, (17) including interrogation of a duration that might not seem unreasonable in a vacuum, but becomes such when evaluated in the totality of the circumstances. Interrogation of detainees: overview of the McCain amendment It took...
We excluded those who did not reach the second stage of labor in the first delivery (ie, those who underwent an intrapartum cesarean delivery before reaching complete cervical Results A total of 2000 women had 2 consecutive deliveries at UCSF in the predefined time period. After excluding those ...
116,256 Other studies did not apply a time limit to the total duration of the second stage, but to the period of time that no progress (descent of the presenting part) was observed. Ramm et al.202 argues that there should be no limit to the total duration of the second stage as ...