2.增生期子宫内膜(proliferative phase of endometrium ) 与正常月经周期中的增生期内膜无区别,只是在月经周期后半期甚至 …jpk.gxmu.edu.cn|基于5个网页 2. 子宫内膜增殖期 子宫内膜增... ... ) proliferative phase of endometrium 子宫内膜增殖期 ) proliferative stage of endometrium 增殖期子宫内膜 ... ww...
Idiopathic infertility has been rarely investigated with respect to the proliferative phase endometrium. We investigated whether gland development and/or altered secretion of cytokines during the proliferative phase is associated with infertility. Area of the glandular epithelium (GE) was measured in ...
Related to proliferative endometrium:Proliferative phase en·do·me·tri·um (ĕn′dō-mē′trē-əm) n.pl.en·do·me·tri·a(-trē-ə) The glandular mucous membrane that lines the uterus. [New Latinendomētrium:endo-+ Greekmētrā,uterus; seemetro-.] ...
The cell apoptosis occurred in the proliferative phase and especially increased in attenuative phase. 细胞凋亡可发生在增殖期,特别在衰亡期增多。 51qe.cn 2. Results MMP-2 and MMP-9 were expressed in the proliferative phase of normal endometrium, but almost not in the secretory phase. 结果MP-2...
2) proliferative stage of endometrium 增殖期子宫内膜 例句>> 3) Endometrial hyperplasia 子宫内膜增殖症 1. A clinical pathogical analysis of 186 cases of endometrial hyperplasia; 子宫内膜增殖症186例临床病理分析 2. Methods The expression of Fhit protein and p53 protein in 37 normal endometrial ...
What is the proliferative phase? During the proliferative phase of the uterine cycle, the endometrial layer that is shed during menses is rebuilt. This layer is from the functional zone of the endometrium. Tissue from the functional zone of the endometrium must be shed before the proliferative ph...
aIn the late proliferative(periovulatory) phase, the endometrium develops a multilayered appearance with an echogenic basa llayer and hypoechoic inner func tionallayer, separated by a thin echogenic median layer arising from the central interface or luminal content(Fig4). 在proliferative (periovulatory...
Pathological report of diagnostic curettage suggested that endometrium was in the proliferative phase. After the operation, the patient kept the normal menses without taking medicine and achieved a natural healthy pregnancy, experienced a normal delivery, and gave birth to a full-term baby boy.{Figure...
2.It's followed by theproliferativephase, during which the rising levels of ovarian estrogen make the functional layer of the endometrium thicken and sprout endometrial glands. 之后是 期,伴随卵巢分泌 的上升,子宫内膜功能层 厚,子宫内膜 体生长。
aThe endometrium is usually best seen on endovaginal scans. Endometrial thickness is measured from echogenic border to echogenic border across the endometrial cavity on a sagittal midline image. Intraluminal blood or sheets of sloughed endometria may be identified. Once the proliferative phase of the...